
3 min readApr 14, 2024


Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the LORD]; for your light has come.

Father says COME

God is here.

This is for my Christian brothers and sisters who have fallen out of the fold. Brethren who are struggling to get back on track. Brethren who constantly doubt their communication with God because they feel since it is not the way it used to be then it must be fake. Brethren who have spent days wondering if they will ever get back to being right with God. Brethren who wallow in self-pity.


The Lord said to tell you to Arise and shine for your light is come. Let there be light in those dark places of your heart. Places of doubt, torment, frustration, and regret. The Lord said to tell you to Arise!

Yes, you fell off. Yes, you made mistakes. Yes, you don’t think things will go back to being the same. However, the Lord said to tell you, he is not mad at you. He wants you as much as you want him but you keep standing in the way.

Your sins? Forgiven! He said to tell you that the devil is looking to sift you like wheat but he has prayed for you so you will overcome and then help your brethren when the time is come.

He said to tell you to let go of that burden and guilt you believe will stop the Lord from hearing you. Is it not the Lord who made you in his image? How then will he abandon you when we have heard of mothers who valiantly fought for their kids? Remember, the heart of man is desperately wicked, yet we know of men and women who love fiercely and lovingly. If they are capable of that, talk more of their creator. The one in whose image you were made.

So Arise!

No more tears. No more bouts of doubt. No more frustration. The Lord said to tell you that he had forgiven and forgotten. Just like the wealthy man who welcomed his prodigal son with open arms, he has prepared a banquet for you.

Your brethren both alive and on the other side of life are waiting for you so the celebration can begin. Look at the huge feast your Father has thrown in your honor. The lost one has now been found.

So Arise!

Dear King and Priest, regardless of gender, the Lord sees you as nothing less. So begin to act like it.

The Lord has forgiven. It is time to move on into him. He is realigning you, yield. Don’t say ‘I don’t feel like he has forgiven me’ because our Lord is not one bounded by feelings. Walk by faith and not by feelings for feelings are fickle but even a faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

So Arise!

He is with you, let him in. Forgive yourself. Say no to that voice that keeps reminding you of your wrongs. It is not of the Lord. It belongs to the enemy who will stop at nothing to separate you from God.

What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing! Not the devil, not sin, or even death.

So Arise!

Wipe those tears. Just Pray. Don’t overthink it. Open your mouth and koinonia with him. Praise him for his faithfulness which endures forever. His faithfulness to his children of which you are one of them.

So Arise!

My sibling, welcome back to the fold. We are excited to have you back. May the peace of the Lord that exceeds all human understanding envelope and overtake you.


