Stay weird, Be you.

2 min readMay 20, 2022


Stay weird
Designed by the author.

“So you’re a little weird? Work it! A little different? OWN it! Better to be a nerd than one of the herd!”_Mandy Hale.

A little back story;
I am not a girly girl, I don’t feel comfortable wearing gowns and skirts because they don’t give me the same range of movement as trousers would. At first, when I realized this, I felt weird. Girls are meant to love gowns, skirts, make-up, and be all pengy right? Well, not me.

I get teased a lot about my not-so-girly sense of style and I tried fitting in but it was like putting a duck on a chicken farm. Both are birds but are different. I eventually gave up and here I am writing this to you.

Weird here doesn’t mean crazy, it means being cool with being unconventional which is crazy to an extent.

When you are comfortable with being you, you win because you not only enjoy being comfortable in your skin but you also attract your kind. People like you.

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness — and call it love — true love.” Robert Fulghum on True Love.

This is a reminder for you to stop trying to be something or someone you are not. Stop forcing yourself into groups you don’t even like but because they are cool and you want to identify with them. Stop reading/listening/watching movies you don’t enjoy.

Be brave enough to look in the mirror and own your existence/weirdness.

Stay weird👽

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Written by Chimnwendum

Sharing lessons from stuff adulthood throws at me.

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