We all need a safe space.

What do you think a safe space is? Well, we are all about to find out.
First of all, you are welcome, I hope at the end of reading this you will have the courage to be able to make a slight positive change in your life.
So, after I got off from work last night, I was exhausted and not in the mood to speak to anyone, I just wanted to swallow garri and ofe egusi ( a native Nigerian dish), have my bath, and crash on my bed. But that wasn’t the case, I was troubled and knew that the only place I needed to be was in my safe space.
So what’s a safe space? A safe space is a place/time where we go to have reflections, write down ideas, cry, etc. It’s the perfect place to be because you don’t have to worry about criticism. It’s just you and you.
The thing is, a safe space doesn’t have to always be a place, it could be a certain time of the day depending on your unique situation. For mothers, it will be difficult to have a safe space (place) because your kids will find you and when they do, well, you know the drill.
Your safe space could be an hour after you have put the kids to sleep. Just you and you. You mentally block all distractions (quite difficult but doable) and focus on yourself. It could also be your hobby that helps relieves you of stress. Read about why you need a hobby here
If you are single and have a tight schedule probably due to work, your safe space could be the 15 minutes you spend on the bus/cab to and from work.
Here are the benefits of having a safe space
1. It helps you be in the present. You don’t have to think about tomorrow or yesterday. It’s just now that matters, spending it worrying kills the whole idea of having a safe space, so don’t.
2. You get to have time for yourself. Everyone and everything wants our attention, your safe space offers you the opportunity to have time for yourself and do your thing.
3. It’s your cool-off space. Away from the drama of the world, you need to cool off, try this with a glass of your favorite drink or plain old water. The goal is to enjoy the time.
4. It offers you relief. Sometimes all I do in my safe space is cry and journal afterward. You are expected not to cry in public (it’s for the weak they say) that way I get to let out pent-up emotions and still have my “dignity” intact.
There is a myriad of benefits of a safe space, feel free to can add yours.
So, decide today, set up a corner in your house, or dedicate that 15minutes drive to being in your safe space. Feel free to thank me later.
Remember, one day at a time, yesterday is gone and tomorrow has enough problems for itself. Only today matters.
Cheer up, you got this🥂❤️
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